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ADC African Development Corporation AG

  • ISIN DE000A1E8NW9
  • Land Deutschland

Aktuelle News

25 März 2015

17:53 Corporate

ADC African Development Corporation AG


Eintragung des Squeeze-Out-Beschluss im Handelsregister der ADC ++ Einstellung des Börsenhandels erwartet

28 Januar 2015

20:31 Corporate

ADC African Development Corporation AG


Atlas Mara erhöht Abfindung für ADC Squeeze-Out-Verlangen

17 Dezember 2014

14:37 Corporate

ADC African Development Corporation AG


Atlas Mara konkretisiert Squeeze-Out-Verlangen an ADC

20 November 2014

08:28 Corporate

ADC African Development Corporation AG


ADC successfully exits Resolution Health East Africa Limited ++ Exit in-line with ADC’s strategic focus on banking ++ LeapFrog becomes key shareholder

17 November 2014

10:39 Corporate

ADC African Development Corporation AG


CEO and Founder Dirk Harbecke leaves ADC after seven successful years of building and running the sub-Saharan African financial services group

25 September 2014

16:55 Corporate

ADC African Development Corporation AG


ADC reports half-year 2014 results

8 September 2014

17:14 Corporate

ADC African Development Corporation AG


ADC African Development Corporation AG: Atlas Mara stellt förmliches Squeeze-Out-Verlangen an ADC

22 August 2014

12:43 Corporate

ADC African Development Corporation AG


Atlas Mara completes acquisition of ADC ++ Readmission to trading of Atlas Mara on 27 August 2014

7 August 2014

15:34 Corporate

ADC African Development Corporation AG


ADC’s banking investment, Union Bank of Nigeria (UBN), reports half-year 2014 results ++ 55% year-on-year loan book growth in core bank ++ Transformation on track delivering improvement in bank performance

6 August 2014

09:26 Corporate

ADC African Development Corporation AG


Over 95% of ADC shareholders accept the Atlas Mara offer ++ ADC and Atlas Mara in top position to realize joint vision of a premier sub-Saharan financial services group

9 Juli 2014

12:06 Corporate

ADC African Development Corporation AG


ADC supports the voluntary public exchange offer by Atlas Mara ++ Management and Supervisory Board consider it financially fair and recommend acceptance

3 Juli 2014

19:26 Corporate

ADC African Development Corporation AG


Atlas Mara publishes offer to ADC Shareholders ++ Atlas Mara makes a share-for-share offer to ADC Shareholders at 1.25 Atlas Mara shares for each ADC share, which equates to EUR 10.45 per ADC share ++ ADC will issue a reasoned statement within 14 days

2 Juni 2014

10:52 Corporate

ADC African Development Corporation AG


ADC further streamlines its private equity portfolio ++ ADC successfully sells RSwitch to Millicom

26 Mai 2014

17:33 Corporate

ADC African Development Corporation AG


ADC reports Q1 2014 results ++ Combination offer from Atlas Mara expected by mid-June

7 Mai 2014

16:12 Corporate

ADC African Development Corporation AG


ADC’s banking investment, Union Bank of Nigeria (UBN), reports continued profitability in Q1 2014 ++ Core banking activity emphasized with divestment of four non-core subsidiaries

29 April 2014

18:38 Corporate

ADC African Development Corporation AG


ADC’s banking investment, Union Bank of Nigeria (UBN), reports full year 2013 results

31 März 2014

19:33 Corporate

ADC African Development Corporation AG


ADC erhält Angebot zum Zusammenschluss mit Atlas Mara Co-Nvest ++ Atlas Mara beabsichtigt Aktientausch und bietet 1,25 Atlas Mara-Aktien pro ADC-Aktie ++ Chance zur weiteren Forcierung der panafrikanischen Vision von ADC

28 März 2014

14:52 Corporate

ADC African Development Corporation AG


ADC achieves impressive turnaround in 2013 ++ Results significantly exceed latest profit forecast ++ Efficiency notably increased with room for further improvement

26 März 2014

08:21 Corporate

ADC African Development Corporation AG


ADC’s subsidiary, BancABC reports 2013 results ++ Total income grew by 26% and pre-tax profits by 20% ++ Cost-to-income ratio decreased by 5 percentage points

27 Januar 2014

18:12 Corporate

ADC African Development Corporation AG


ADC increases control in BancABC through mandatory offer ++ Low uptake in-line with expectations ++ Minority shareholders consider banking group undervalued

13 Dezember 2013

08:37 Corporate

ADC African Development Corporation AG


ADC launches mandatory offer for all outstanding BancABC shares ++ Increased representation through pooling agreements will firm-up control ++ Financed by ADC’s largest shareholder and partner, Trafigura

29 November 2013

09:44 Corporate

ADC African Development Corporation AG


ADC’s nine-months 2013 results underline positive effect of transformation ++ Selected as a World Economic Forum Global Growth Company

1 November 2013

16:06 Corporate

ADC African Development Corporation AG


ADC’s banking investment, Union Bank of Nigeria (UBN), reports Q3 2013 results ++ 18% loan book growth in the high quality corporate sector ++ On-going transformation picks up momentum ++ UBN exiting non-core subsidiaries with focus on core banking

30 August 2013

16:12 Corporate EN

ADC African Development Corporation AG


ADC achieves strong half-year 2013 results ++ Profit before tax of EUR 11.9 million largely driven by substantial growth in retail banking ++ Strong growth momentum indicates favorable second half-year

15 August 2013

16:56 Corporate EN

ADC African Development Corporation AG


ADC’s AGM resolved to further strengthen Supervisory Board ++ Impact of ADC’s strategic direction gains traction with BancABC half-year 2013 profit almost equal to full-year 2012 results ++ UBN reports increasing half-year profit

30 Juli 2013

18:47 Corporate

ADC African Development Corporation AG


ADC gibt Kapitalerhöhung aus genehmigtem Kapital um zehn Prozent bekannt ++ Strategischer Investor zeichnet Privatplatzierung

26 Juli 2013

10:36 Ad-hoc

ADC African Development Corporation AG


ADC: Umwandlung in Aktiengesellschaft (AG) vollzogen ++ Aufnahme des Handels im Entry Standard der Frankfurter Wertpapierbörse

11 Juli 2013

16:50 Vorabbekanntmachung

ADC African Development Corporation AG



10 Juli 2013

14:50 Ad-hoc

ADC African Development Corporation AG


ADC’s Ergebnisse zum ersten Quartal 2013 zeigen Wachstumspotenzial auf ++ Ergebnis vor Steuern von EUR 10,7 Mio. durch hohe Wachstumsraten im Bankgeschäft angetrieben ++ Starke Prognose für 2013

3 Juli 2013

15:10 Hauptversammlung

ADC African Development Corporation AG


ADC African Development Corporation GmbH & Co. KGaA: Bekanntmachung der Einberufung zur Hauptversammlung am 14.08.2013 in Frankfurt am Main mit dem Ziel der europaweiten Verbreitung gemäß §121 AktG

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